Parent & Toddler Group
from 2025- located at our caulfield campus
Program Overview
Parent & Toddler Group | 18 months to 2 1/2 Years Old Program
Our popular Parent Toddler group introduces young children and their parents together to the Montessori philosophy of education in a collaborative and nurturing atmosphere at our Caulfield Campus.
The aim
Our program nurtures a child’s growing need for purposeful activity, independence, order, movement and language and increases parental awareness of their child’s capabilities and needs.
The setting
Parents attend with their toddlers and together they experience sessions with hands-on learning opportunities. The goal is to promote independence, self-confidence and a passion for learning.
The prepared classroom environment reflects order, beauty and simplicity and is set up to allow children to choose and use the materials they want to use, with minimal adult assistance. Adults learn the importance of allowing children to complete and repeat tasks without interruption or interference.
There is a wide range of age-appropriate activities, the environment is nurturing, and the atmosphere is positive, supportive and non-competitive.
The Parent Toddler group environment provides space for children to move around and work and movement increases children’s ability to experience their environment in a multi-sensory manner. It is one of the keys to healthy brain development and contributes to children’s social/emotional wellbeing and confidence.
Learning and activities
Each morning begins with children putting their hats/jackets into the basket near the front door. This simple act starts the sequencing of their routine in PT. They know what to do and they can relax and enjoy the environment.
Activities are first introduced or presented by an adult, who has a ‘turn’. Adults then allow their children to complete and repeat tasks without interruption or interference.
The PT program is prepared to help children reveal mature abilities such as deep concentration and longer attention span, careful movement, sense of order, relentless determination, respect for others and joy in their ‘work’.
Our PT group offers a supportive environment for young children and their caregivers to learn and grow together and develop a lifelong passion for learning.
Enrol today!
Our Parent Toddler group offers a supportive environment for young children and their caregivers to learn and grow together and develop a lifelong passion for learning.
How often?
Most people enrol for one session per week, but it is possible to enrol in multiple sessions if places are available.
Duration and Availability
Monday and Tuesday
9.30 am – 11.30 am
Excellence Rating
The Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) has rated MMC as Exceeding National Quality Standards in all seven Quality Areas that are important outcomes for children.