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2024 Scholarship Applications are now open

  • News
Wednesday, 26 Apr, 2023

Applications for the 2024 Scholarship program are now open!

Melbourne Montessori College (MMC) and the MMC Foundation are committed to providing opportunities for students who would otherwise not have access to an independent Montessori education and reflects our commitment to an inclusive and diverse community. The MMC Scholarship program offers scholarships, all means-tested, to support current and prospective students.

The following Scholarships are available in 2024:

  • MMC Bursaries are available for students whose families are facing financial hardship and require fee relief to continue attending Melbourne Montessori College.
  • The MMC Montessorian Scholarship is awarded to a prospective student entering our Senior School Years 7 to 11 (full and partial fee options available). This scholarship is open to existing MMC families and prospective families.
  • The MMC Senior School Scholarship is a full-fee scholarship awarded to an MMC Junior School student who, for financial reasons, is unable to continue their education at the MMC Senior School. This scholarship is awarded in honour of our previous long-serving Principal Gay Wales.

Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to their academic studies and embody the Montessori values of self-respect, acceptance of the uniqueness and dignity of the individual, kindness, peacefulness, compassion, empathy, honour, individual responsibility, and courage to speak from the heart.

For eligibility criteria, and how to apply, click here.


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