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World of Montessori Philosophy Information Evening

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Monday, 13 May, 2024

Tuesday, 6 August, 2024 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm.

Our parent information night this year will focus on why we do what we do and why it works!

Our wonderful teachers will be collaborating from across all levels to bring you a night of enlightening Montessori gems of wisdom.

The World of Montessori Philosophy Information Evening is an insightful overview of the core principles that underpin Montessori education. Throughout the evening, parents can attend up to two sessions that will explore key topics such as creativity, imagination, the Great Stories, peace education, social-emotional development, and the changing characteristics through childhood. We will also discuss empowering independence through freedom and responsibility, the fundamentals of Montessori 101, and the transformative concept of Cosmic Education. Join us as we explore these foundational elements that shape the Montessori approach to education.

Topic 1: Creativity, Imagination and the Great Stories

Room: Bulen Bulen

We will explore how Montessori’s Cycle 1 encourages creativity by allowing children to personalise their understanding. Through hands-on experiences, children take familiar concepts and make them their own, fostering a sense of ownership over their learning.

Additionally, we will discuss how geometry and world studies in Cycle 1 ignite children’s imagination. These subjects encourage children to visualise abstract concepts, like the origin of the universe, by engaging their creative thinking.

Lastly, we will explore how the Great Stories in Montessori open up vast realms of knowledge. These stories not only expand a child’s understanding of the universe but also help them imagine their place in the world and the contributions they can make to society.

Topic 2: Peace Education and Social-Emotional Development

Room: Boronia

We will explore Dr. Maria Montessori’s emphasis on understanding children’s inner needs for peace. She believed that when these needs are met, children are more likely to contribute positively to society.

We will also discuss the factors that contribute to a child’s inner peace. By understanding these, we can create environments that support children’s emotional wellbeing and encourage peaceful interactions with others.

Topic 3: Changing Characteristics through Childhood

Room: Wadjil

We explore how Montessori environments adapt to support the changing characteristics of children as they grow. For example, children aged 0-6 thrive in environments that provide order, stability and predictability.

As children move into the 6-12 age range, they begin to thrive on challenge and change. Montessori environments for this age group are designed to stimulate curiosity and encourage exploration.

Finally, we will discuss the needs of children aged 12-18, who require emotional stability as they explore the world around them, and who still need expert guidance to navigate their physical and emotional development.

Topic 4: Empowering Independence through Freedom and Responsibility

Room: Banksia

In this topic, we will explore the Montessori principle that with freedom comes responsibility. Freedom in Montessori is not about doing whatever one likes, but understanding and respecting oneself and the community.

As children mature, they are given more freedom and responsibility. For example, older children may have the freedom to plan trips or to explore topics outside the classroom. With this freedom comes the responsibility to ensure their actions are safe and meaningful.

Topic 5: Montessori 101

Room: Bunjil

Here we go back to basics! We will explore how the prepared environment in Montessori is tailored to meet the developmental needs of each child. The environment is carefully designed to encourage independence, exploration and problem-solving.

We will also discuss how children construct themselves through their unique experiences in the prepared environment. By allowing children to follow their interests and learn at their own pace, they develop a strong sense of self and achieve their full potential.

Topic 6: Cosmic Education

Room: Balam Balam

We will explore how Cosmic Education in Montessori gives children the tools to explore the universe. Children are provided with keys to knowledge, such as stories and timelines, which ignite their curiosity and encourage them to delve deeper into their interests.

By introducing children to the grand narrative of the universe and humanity’s place within it, Cosmic Education inspires a sense of awe and wonder. This approach fosters a lifelong love of learning and a deep respect for the interconnectedness of all things.

Topic 7: How Your Child’s Actions Guide Our Practice

Room: Grevillia

In this topic, we will explore how Montessori teachers observe children’s actions to understand their needs and tendencies. This keen observation is the foundation of Montessori practice, guiding how teachers interact with each child to support their individual development.

By carefully observing children, Montessori teachers can tailor the learning environment to meet the unique needs of each child. This individualised approach ensures every child is challenged and supported in their learning journey.


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